Documentation d'aide 〉Anciennes Versions de Direct Mail 〉Messages 〉

Using regular expressions to search or filter addresses

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Cet article d'aide concerne une ancienne version de Direct Mail.

Direct Mail supports using regular expressions in the following locations:

  • The "Find Addresses Matching Rules" window (via Edit > Find > Find Addresses Matching Rules in the menu bar). When creating your search rules, the "matches" operator interprets the text that you type in as a regular expression.
  • Smart groups. When creating your filtering rules, the "matches" operator interprets the text that you type in as a regular expression.
  • Autoresponder recipient filtering. When creating your filtering rules, the "matches" operator interprets the text that you type in as a regular expression.
  • Template section visibility rules. When creating your visibility rules, the "matches" operator interprets the text that you type in as a regular expression.


Regular expressions in Direct Mail use the ICU Regular Expression syntax and are case-insensitive.

Regular expression patterns in Direct Mail are implicitly anchored to the start and end of the subject string. In other words, if you enter the following pattern:


…it is considered the equivalent of this pattern:


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