retour à la Table des matières et Retouche d’image

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False Color

Use the false color tool to convert colors in an image to different colors that lie on a spectrum of your choice. You choose a "light" color and a "dark" color. The false color tool then changes each color in the image to a color that is somewhere in between the light and dark colors you chose.

This can be useful for converting black and white line art or illustrations to a different color, for adding color to a grayscale image, or for adding artistic effects to a color image.

For example, you can use the false color tool to convert this black and white illustration:


…to a colorized version:


  1. Open the image editor
  2. Check the "False Color" checkbox
  3. Select a Light Color and a Dark Color

In the example above, "Light Color" was set to white, and "Dark Color" was set to green.

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