Documentation d'aide 〉Anciennes Versions de Direct Mail 〉Messages 〉

Documentation d'aide 〉Anciennes Versions de Direct Mail 〉Intégrations 〉

Importing message content from HTML, Word, RTF, OpenOffice, or Plain Text documents

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Cet article d'aide concerne une ancienne version de Direct Mail.

If you have authored the content of your email in another program, then Direct Mail can import it. Direct Mail can import the following file types:

  • HTML
  • Plain Text
  • RTF
  • RTFD
  • Apple Mail Stationery
  • Microsoft Word
  • WordML
  • OpenDocument

Here's how to import the contents of a file as the body of your message:

  1. Go to the Messages tab.
  2. Select the message you want to import into (or create a new one).
  3. Choose Message > Import File from the menu bar.
  4. Select the file you want to import and click Open

There are some important caveats you should be aware of. In general, HTML email only supports a small subset of the styling and effects that are available on the web or in most word processing apps. Here are some things that won't work in your email:

  • JavaScript
  • Video
  • Plugins
  • Java
  • Most CSS3 styling effects

You can use the Preview window or the design test feature to see what your message will look like when it is sent.

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