Documentation d'aide 〉Anciennes Versions de Direct Mail 〉Autorépondeurs 〉

Using the "Subscribing to a mailing list" trigger

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Cet article d'aide concerne une ancienne version de Direct Mail.

You can trigger an autoresponder when someone subscribes to your mailing list. To use this trigger you need to first create a subscribe form. Only subscribers added via a subscribe form can be emailed using this trigger.

Sending a welcome email to new subscribers

You can use a subscribe form trigger to send a "welcome" email anytime someone joins your mailing list. Here's how:

  1. If you haven't already, compose your welcome message (in the Messages tab)
  2. If you haven't already, create your subscribe form (in the Addresses tab)
  3. Create a new autoresponder by choose Message > New Autoresponder from the menu bar at the top of the screen
  4. Select your welcome message from the popup menu
  5. Select your subscribe form from the list of subscribe forms
  6. Click the start button (▶︎) at in the top-right corner of the window

New subscribers will automatically be sent your welcome message when they join your list.

Sending a series of emails to new subscribers

The process for sending a series of emails to new subscribers begins by following the same steps as listed above for a "welcome" email. After you've followed the above steps to set up the first email, here's how to create an autoresponder for the 2nd email in your series:

  1. In the Messages tab, create the content for your 2nd email
  2. Create a new autoresponder and select the "Trigger after another autoresponder" trigger type
  3. Select the autoresponder that is responsible for sending the 1st email. This 2nd email will be sent after the 1st email.
  4. Under the section Choose when the message sends, select a delay of one week (or whatever delay is appropriate for your email). This tells Direct Mail to wait one week after the 1st email before sending the 2nd.

To add a 3rd email to your series, the steps are the same:

  1. In the Messages tab, create the content for your 3rd email
  2. Create a new autoresponder and select the "Trigger after another autoresponder" trigger type
  3. Select the autoresponder that is responsible for sending the 2nd email. This 3rd email will be sent after the 2nd email.
  4. Under the section Choose when the message sends, select a delay of one week (or whatever delay is appropriate for your email). This tells Direct Mail to wait one week after the 2nd email before sending the 3rd.

To add a 4th, 5th, 6th, etc. email to your series, simply repeat the above steps.

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