Documentation d'aide 〉Anciennes Versions de Direct Mail 〉À propos du marketing par e-mail 〉

Documentation d'aide 〉Anciennes Versions de Direct Mail 〉Gestion des listes de distribution 〉

Finding your most engaged subscribers

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Cet article d'aide concerne une ancienne version de Direct Mail.

One measure of the health of a mailing list is how engaged the subscribers are with the content that is sent to them. By "engaged", we mean how often your subscribers open or click on the emails you send them, versus leaving them untouched in their inbox. You will find that some of your subscribers are more engaged than others. Rewarding your most engaged subscribers can be a great way to build loyalty and encourage continued engagement in the future.

You can use Direct Mail's Find Addresses Matching Rules feature to identify those subscribers that are highly engaged with your emails:

  1. Choose Edit > Find > Find Addresses Matching Rules
  2. Click the Gear icon in the bottom left corner of the window
  3. Choose Opened at Least 50% of Campaigns
  4. Click Find

You can adjust the "50%" threshold in step #3 up or down above to match your definition of "highly engaged". You might also consider using click rate instead of open rate to gauge how engaged your subscribers are. This might be an especially wise strategy if a significant portion of your mailing list uses Apple’s Mail Privacy Protection feature, which can reduce the accuracy of open rate numbers.

If you'd like to save this search as a Smart Group for easy access later, click the Save As Smart Group button at the bottom of the search results window.

Retiring unengaged subscribers

From time to time, it may be a good idea to retire from your mailing list subscribers that have not engaged with your emails in a long time. This can help increase your open rates and may even save you some money. One way to retire unengaged subscribers is to repeat the steps listed above, but negate the criteria. You can then move those unengaged subscribers into a new group for "retired" subscribers that you don't send to. Alternately, you could delete them or mark them as unsubscribed (see the Addresses menu).

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