It's important to find the right timing or frequency for your campaigns. The best guidelines are:
- No more frequent than once a week.
- No less frequent that once a quarter.
Sending too frequently can result in list fatigue. "List fatigue" is simply your recipients getting tired of receiving so much email from you. List fatigue may be evidenced by slowly declining open and click rates. Learn more about list fatigue and how to combat it.
Sending too infrequently can result in higher-than-normal spam complaint and hard bounce rates. If it's been a long time since the recipient last heard from you, they may have forgotten signing up for your list in the first place, and might mark your email as spam. Higher-than-normal bounce rates could be the result of your email subscriber changing email addresses (e.g. if they change jobs). Elevated spam and bounce rates can result in some email providers routing your email campaigns to the spam folder, or even blocking them outright.